Basic Beliefs . . .
(A Pictorial Journey, outlined in 15 Simple Steps)
1) First and foremost, Seventh-day Adventists are Christians, or followers of Jesus Christ.
2) We accept the entire Bible (both the Old and the New Testaments) as our only creed.
3) We believe in God the Father, who was the Creator of Heaven and Earth; and we confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord.
4) We believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary.
5) When he was a young adult (about 32 years old), Jesus was crucified on a cross and was later buried in a tomb . . . . . . Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead.
6) Not long after his Resurrection, Jesus ascended into Heaven, where He now sits at the right hand of God the Father.
7) We believe that Jesus will return to Earth soon . . . And when he comes, He will bring back to Heaven those who have pursued a relationship with Him.Those who may not have had the opportunity to learn about Jesus during their lifetime, will be judged 'according to the light they have been given', (cf., Romans 2:14-15).
8) We believe in the Holy Spirit, who draws us to God and convicts us of sin . . .Those who respond to the Holy Spirit are renewed and transformed; (i.e., their character is molded after the likeness of God, and they grow in grace).
9) As we spend more time studying the life of Christ (and following the will of God), our lives are sanctified (or made Holy) by God, who delivers us from sin and brokeness.
10) Through the Holy Spirit, our thoughts and emotions are transformed, as God's writes his Law of Love in our hearts, and gives us spiritual gifts —which we are to implement through service to the Church.
11) We believe in the 'priesthood of all believers' (cf. 1 Peter 2:9), which constitutes the Christian Church . . .
The Church is one 'Body' with many members — called from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are equal heirs of the promise of God.
12) We are led by the Holy Spirit, who has bonded us into one fellowship with Him and with one another.
The universal church is composed of all who truly confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
13) We believe that the seventh-day of the week (Saturday) is the Sabbath; it is a day for worship, rest, and service to humanity—in harmony with the teachings and practice of Jesus (cf., Luke 4:16).To this end, we believe that the Sabbath is a celebration of God's creative and redemptive acts (cf., John 5:1-14).
14) We believe in practicing the 'Ordinance of Humility' or Foot-washing, in accordance with Jesus' instruction to "do as I have done for you" (cf., John 13:12-17). We also celebrate Communion, or the "Lord's Supper," as outlined in Matthew 26:26-30.
15) We believe in the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the saints (cf., 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18),
and Life everlasting (Revelation 21).